Ok, we're getting closer.

- Run cygserver-config as an administrator.
- Do "net start cygserver"

That will provide shared memory capabilities. Then try this:

# shmtool w myFunnyC8380ufsKey
Shared memory segment exists - opening as client

# shmtool r
Shared memory segment exists - opening as client
segptr: myFunnyC8380ufsKey


On reboot of the host Windows, the shared memory segment will not be persisted.


On 13.12.2019 00:21, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
On Fri 2019-12-13 (00:03), Jürgen Wagner wrote:

1. You create a RAM disk
How do I do it with cygwin?

2. You encrypt the data with a ephemeral key
This is exactly what I want to share between processes!

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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