> On 2019-11-25 08:24, Andrew Schulman via cygwin wrote:
> > On 2019-11-19 21:59, Pasunuti Prashanth wrote:
> >> We are facing a bug problem during compilation.
> >> 1. "makedepend: error: out of space: increase MAXFILES"
> >> 2. make[1]: *** [Makefile:327: dep] error 1
> >>
> >> Request to address this problem.
> > 
> > Brian gave you a very polite and helpful reply. But you didn't do your part
> > by asking a reasonable question. You didn't even tell us what you were
> > trying to compile, or bother to write a useful subject to your email! With
> > a question like that, don't expect a useful answer. You got one anyway.
> Some from other cultures may not have sufficient understanding of our culture,
> or command of the language, to realize that this is a volunteer project, or be
> polite by our standards.

You're right of course. I should be more patient. Andrew

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