> Hi,
> If you want to remove old Cygwin installation, you have 2 choices:
>  - if install has been done for all users, just remove Cygwin folder from
> Windows Explorer
>  - if install has been done just for current user requiring admin rights, just
> start a new cygwin session with bash or csh; go to cygwin folder and then
> type: \rm -rf "Cygwin_folder";. In this case some system files have been
> installed, only removable by file owner.

Hi Stéphane,

I am not sure I understand your distinction. The installation was performed 
with the following command:

setup-x86_64.exe -q -A -L -l "cygwin-repo" -R "C:\Program Files\Cygwin" -P 

Setup does not have any option for single or all users. It has only for 
non-admin installation (-B / --no-admin), where you obviously there is no 
permission issue, as all files are owned by the installation user.

However, following your recommendation, I have tried the following command:

"C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin\rm.exe" -rf --no-preserve-root 
"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Cygwin"

which seems to work pretty well so far. Thank you very much.


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