Greetings, William John!

> I recently installed openmpi and libopenmpi-devel on my windows machine.
> However, I cannot call mpicc on my windows cmd, rather I get "'mpicc' is
> not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or
> batch file". This is weird because I have added C:\cygwin64\bin
> and C:\cygwin64 to my System variables.

Cygwin may use extension-less names to call programs. Something CMD can not do
without being explicitly told to.
If that's your case, you can still make symlinks to .exe'cutable names to make
them recognizable by native tools. I would suggest $HOME/bin or /usr/local/bin
for such custom symlinks.

> The command mpicc --version also works on my cygwin terminal so I am kind of
> confused here as to what to do with the set up. I checked the bin inside
> cygwin64 and I found mpicc and mpiexec, I am just confused as to what is
> going on with the configuration for my windows command line. Would it be
> possible to direct me to a solution or to help me with this?

There are two available solutions.
One is to stick to one ecosystem. If you want to use Cygwin-provided programs,
stick to Cygwin environment. It's much more obvious, although sometimes
daunting if you want to frequently use wide array of native console
Another solution is to setup your system to use Cygwin programs
transparently. It requires much care and understanding of both Cygwin and
Windows, and generally not advised to people without certain experience in

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, October 28, 2019 20:11:55

Sorry for my terrible english...

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