On 2019-10-26 08:09, Eliot Moss wrote:
> On 10/25/2019 1:37 PM, Cary Lewis wrote:
>> I tried to clone the repo, and after running configure, then make I got
>> this error:
>> make -C out BUILDTYPE=Release V=0
>>    touch 12396aa5d0c66cc1eba58d7550d4db5f74c0a51c.intermediate
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/clewis/node/out/Release/lib.host:/home/clewis/node/out/Release/lib.target:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH;
>> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; cd ../.; mkdir -p tools/msvs/genfiles; "mc
>> src/res/node_etw_provider.man -h tools/msvs/genfiles -r tools/msvs/genfiles"
>> /bin/sh: mc src/res/node_etw_provider.man -h tools/msvs/genfiles -r
>> tools/msvs/genfiles: No such file or directory
>> make[1]: *** [node_etw.target.mk:17:
>> 12396aa5d0c66cc1eba58d7550d4db5f74c0a51c.intermediate] Error 127
>> rm 12396aa5d0c66cc1eba58d7550d4db5f74c0a51c.intermediate
>> make: *** [Makefile:101: node] Error 2
> This program's configure is not cygwin-aware, apparently.  It sees something
> that looks like Windows and it's heading toward msvs (Microsoft Visual 
> Studio),
> a Windows program, not a cygwin program.
> I tried configure --dest-os=linux, and that mostly worked, but assumes ELF
> binaries are being used, but cygwin uses PE, not ELF (so that Windows can
> run the binaries linked with the cygwin library / runtime).  So the openssl
> assembly files failed.  Using configure --dest-os=linux --openssl-no-asm got
> past that problem but fails when trying to find /usr/include/sys/syscall.h,
> someting not provided under cygwin.
> I also tried not giving --dest-os (and it then wants to do the msvs stuff,
> i.e., it treats it as Windows) and --dest-os=posix (which is what uname -a
> reports under modern cygwin) to no avail.
> So IMO node's configure needs to be adjusted, but how to do that correctly
> is beyond my knowledge or the time I can invest.

Teach configure to recognize and use system types i686/x86_64-unknown-cygwin and
build/host triplets i686/x86_64-pc-cygwin.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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