> On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 10:43 PM DynV Montrealer <dyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've tried updating Cygwin a few days ago, hopefully I did it right and
it seems its version cygwin 3.0.7-1, with its kernel version
3.0.7(0.338/5/3). If you did not realize it, I'm unfamiliar with Cygwin, as
well as with GNU/Linux.
>> I managed to do a command that give the result I wanted (I've tested it
successfully) ; its censored version is "sed -e 'WORKING_REGEX' -i
/cygdrive/REGEX_FILE_FULL_PATH". I then copy-pasted it (from Cygwin64
Terminal) into a file I saved with the extension .sh hoping to have that
work as a shell script. I then input in the terminal the uncensored
"./cygdrive/SHELL_SCRIPT_FULL_PATH" and got the uncensored version of
"-bash: ./cygdrive/SHELL_SCRIPT_FULL_PATH: No such file or directory". Oh!
And it likely is the right path as when I do the command "ls
/cygdrive/SHELL_SCRIPT_FULL_PATH" it gives the output
>> Is there a way to make a Cygwin shell script with the command? Or do I
have to make a text file giving instructions (copy-paste, etc.) ?
>> Thank you kindly,
>> DynV

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 11:38 PM Brian Inglis <
brian.ing...@systematicsw.ab.ca> wrote:
> Shell scripts must be in Unix text format (only \n newlines - no \r CRs)
and executable.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 07:18 AM Eliot Moss <m...@cs.umass.edu> wrote:
> I am confused by your ./cygdrive/SHELL_SCRIPT_FULL_PATH.  I would think
you should omit the leading dot.  cygdrive hangs off the root of the cygwin
file system.

By doing the 2 former recommendations, it works; I've tried them separately
and it fail doing so.

Again, thank you.

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