> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rakhi Batra - Assistant Manager Publication
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 3:38 AM
> Hello,
> I am facing an issue in the path of the file. Whenever I am executing the
> below command. The slashes in classpath are replaced with dots and I am

By dots, do you mean ":" ? Can you please provide a concrete example of the 
input and output?

> unable to navigate to files in order to run the scripts. Kindly guide why 
> this is
> happening and what is the solution. Thank you.
> (java $JAVA_OPTS -classpath `cygpath -pu $CLASSPATH`

This is a bad idea for at least 2 reasons.

1. the CLASSPATH variable has special meaning and the java executable will act 
on it if it exists - use $CP or anything else
2. you should "$(...)" not `...`

> org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher "$@")
> --
> Regards,
> Rakhi
> --
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