Greetings, Duncan Roe!

> On Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 11:57:21AM -0500, Eric Blake wrote:
>> On 9/9/19 11:47 AM, Stephen Provine via cygwin wrote:
>> > Argh, my mistake about top posting again. My email client does not help me
>> > with this by default and I have to manually construct quoting of previous
>> > responses and delete what shouldn't be there (and missed it again). If 
>> > there's
>> > any way for someone to delete my previous message from the archive, please 
>> > do.
>> >
>> > Why doesn't Cygwin utilize Github or something else more modern to manage 
>> > issues?
>> Just because it is "modern" does not necessarily make it better.
>> ranks github as worse than gitlab, in part because there is no way to
>> use the full power of github without surrendering to the use of non-free
>> software.

> No problems with that. I think though, that the OP's point was to use *git*
> (wherever the repo may be).

Cygwin uses Git. Just not GitHub.
The question was to manage ISSUES, though.
And the answer is, this list was working just fine for the purpose so far.
There's no pressing need to change that, last I heard.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, September 9, 2019 21:55:23

Sorry for my terrible english...

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