
I am writing to report two issues with the version of TeXmacs included in the latest cygwin repos.
Host OS: Windows 7 Pro and Windows 10 Pro ( two different systems and 
$ cygcheck -c TeXmacs

Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
TeXmacs              1.99.9-1       OK

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 Win7i701 3.0.7(0.338/5/3) 2019-04-30 18:08 x86_64 Cygwin

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-10.0 Win10i702 3.0.7(0.338/5/3) 2019-04-30 18:08 x86_64 Cygwin

Issue #1:

This issue occurs while navigating the GUI, so please bear with me while I attempt to put it into words ...
- Launch TeXmacs:

$ texmacs
TeXmacs] With linked TrueType support
    (GUI spawns)
- Click on Help from the menu bar
- Select the 'About' sub-menu item
- Mouse over the sub-menu and then drift off into the body of the edit window (the menu remains displayed at this point)
- Now mouse up to anywhere on the top menu bar (no need to click anything)
    The GUI then closes prematurely and the following is displayed:
        texmacs: Fatal IO error 113 (Software caused connection abort) on X server :0.0. - This actually occurs when the above action is repeated when any sub-menu item is selected and then mousing off and onto the menu bar.
Issue #2:

- Upon a fresh installation of cygwin, 'cygcheck -c texmacs' lists the TeXmacs package status as 'Incomplete'.
- I tracked this down to a missing file: 
    That file gets removed during the texmacs postinstall.sh:
        $ cat /etc/postinstall/TeXmacs.sh.done
        rm -f /usr/share/icons/gnome/icon-theme.cache
- Creating that file (touch /usr/share/icons/gnome/icon-theme.cache) resolves the cygcheck 'Incomplete' status and shows 'OK' (as shown above).

Are these known issues for which there are fixes?

Thank you for all of your hard and dedicated work on Cygwin!

Best regards,


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