The GWD editor ( is another good choice.  It
features language specific hilighting and a bunch of other great tools,
and has a C-like macro language.  I have used it to edit scripts and
makefiles while running a cygwin shell.  It's not open-source, but then
not all great software is.
Gordon Keehn


  Gordon R. Keehn, CPSM Change Team
  CICS/390 Service, USA
  Gordon Keehn/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, 1-919-254-1690

- wrote:

> using textfiles for saving in unix text format from a
> windows editor is a breeze such as the editor
> The lite freeware version
> is an alternative if you need to make some change now
> and don't have a working vim or pico at hand for
> startup scripts... you can immediately change the
> end-of-the-line newline hexcode hassles with this
> speedy editor (unix<->win32<->mac as well).. this is
> good for ascii files and shouldn't be used on files
> under the cygwin branch tree while running
> cygwin..editpad automatically recognizes the text end
> of line format and gets worked with it
> accordingly...just a tip if you need to rescue a
> profile file and need to have things working properly
> for cygwin startup scripts...
> jagg
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