On Tue, 21 May 2019 at 04:20, Chris Wagner <wagn...@plebeian.com> wrote:
> Hi Irfan,
> I'm assuming that there is some reason you don't want to use the
> password option:
> -w, --passwd <password>   Optional password for user. Only needed
>                              if a user is given. If a user has an empty
>                              password, enter `-w '. If a user is given
> but
>                              no password, cygrunsrv will ask for a
> password
>                              interactively.

Nope, no reason, I completely missed this option... While I was hoping
to not have to enter any password (like for SYSTEM, but I guess that
account's special) -- this is also fine, thanks a lot.

-- Irfan

> The password prompt can be scripted with Perl.  (Assuming you *have* the
> password)
> use IO::Pty::Easy;
> $io = IO::Pty::Easy->new;
> @cmd = qw{cygrunsrv -I name -t manual -p /c/foo.exe -u name};
> $io->spawn(@cmd);
> printf "read: %s\n", $io->read;
> printf "write: %s\n", $io->write("foo\n");
> printf "read: %s\n", $io->read;
> printf "write: %s\n", $io->write("foo\n");
> printf "read: %s\n", $io->read;
> $io->close;
> Hope that helps.
> -Chris
> On 2019-05-19 11:49 pm, Irfan Adilovic wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > (All actions here assume an elevated mintty terminal)
> >
> > I have the  need to automate the installation of autossh as a windows
> > service (=> several dozen autossh services) and when installing as a
> > local user, the password prompt is an issue.
> >
> > Is there a way to add windows services with cygrunsrv from an elevated
> > mintty bash shell to run as a local user, somehow without requiring
> > that local user's password each time the service is installed?
> --
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