On 2019-03-21 13:08, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Mar 21 10:02, Brian Inglis wrote:
>> On 2019-03-21 08:52, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> On Mar 21 08:07, Brian Inglis wrote:
>>>> With latest Cygwin ps -W is now showing STIME Dec 31 for Windows 
>>>> startup processes - these should be limited to actual start or uptime 
>>>> if possible.
>>> It's not possible.  Starttime requires ability to open process.
>> Everything on Cygwin updated Mar 18. Running ps under bash from mintty 
>> launched from XDG. Ran cygcheck on ps below, and attached strace not 
>> showing much useful. Running under gdb, ps appears never to call 
>> GetProcessTimes on startup processes including my own startup scheduled 
>> tasks, so start_time is always zero, and is offset -7 to MST. Showing
>> below also unique startup programs, unique other programs with normal times
>> from System32, running Cygwin processes, and installed releases FYI. I
>> could rebuild ps with debugging and add logging if not reproducible.
> Sorry, but I really can't follow.  It's really simple:  If the user can open 
> a process, starttime is available, if the user can not open the process, 
> starttime is not available.  Just check the ps source. If you see another 
> solution (no WMI, Bill is right there), feel free to provide a patch.

Tried in PS and system startup process and task StartTime is not available:
        Get-Process | where {$_.StartTime} | Format-Table Id, StartTime, Name
with or without the StartTime filter, in a unelevated process not in a domain;
an elevated process shows it for all but the System Idle Process.
It is available from WMI as shown by SysInternals ProcExp64 and directly by:
$ wmic process get processid, creationdate, name # rearranged with awk
Proce CreationDate               Name
  104 20190315065342.676287-360  Registry
    4 20190315065436.434418-360  System
    0 20190315065436.434418-360  System
  408 20190315065436.891830-360  smss.exe
  560 20190315065500.672209-360  csrss.exe
  660 20190315065502.159992-360  wininit.exe
  780 20190315065502.406370-360  services.exe
  824 20190315065502.618164-360  lsass.exe
  928 20190315065504.236736-360  svchost.exe
  952 20190315065504.262313-360  svchost.exe
  976 20190315065504.364113-360  fontdrvhost.exe

In Cygwin ps, think zero could be subbed by what goes out as /proc/stat btime.
I will try to pull it together and remember how git format-patch and send-email
work. ;^>

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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