Greetings, L A Walsh!

> On 3/8/2019 4:15 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> On Mar  7 19:35, L A Walsh wrote:
>>> I ran tar on another directory and got a huge number**
>>> of these:
>>> tar: rules: Warning: Cannot acl_to_text: Invalid argument
>>> tar: adblockplus: Warning: Cannot acl_to_text: Invalid argument
>>> tar: autopager: Warning: Cannot acl_to_text: Invalid argument
>>> tar: bookmarkbackups: Warning: Cannot acl_to_text: Invalid argument
>>> ---
>> Can you please provide the cacls or icacls command creating
>> a directory that allows to reproduce the issue?

> I doubt that area of my disk has ever been manipulated by 
> cacls or icacls. That's in my roaming profile.

It's not about manipulation, it's about current state.

icacls is a Windows equivalent of POSIX's setfacl/getfacl.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Sunday, March 10, 2019 16:25:06

Sorry for my terrible english...

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