For some time (several months), the setup program always finishes with the following message:

Package: _/cygwin-doc exit code 3
Package: z/Perpetual
        zp_texlive_finish.dash exit code 20

Looking into setup.log.full, I find:

2019/03/06 22:39:56 running: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" mkshortcut: Saving "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/C:/cygwin/User Guide (PDF).lnk" failed; does the target directory exist? mkshortcut: Saving "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/C:/cygwin/User Guide (HTML).lnk" failed; does the target directory exist? mkshortcut: Saving "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/C:/cygwin/API (PDF).lnk" failed; does the target directory exist? mkshortcut: Saving "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/C:/cygwin/API (HTML).lnk" failed; does the target directory exist? mkshortcut: Saving "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/C:/cygwin/Home Page.lnk" failed; does the target directory exist? mkshortcut: Saving "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/C:/cygwin/FAQ.lnk" failed; does the target directory exist?
2019/03/06 22:39:57 abnormal exit: exit code=3

Where do the "/C:" parts in the middle of the link names come from?
Investigating, I find that mkshortcut is being called like this:

/usr/bin/mkshortcut -A -P -n "Cygwin/User Guide (PDF)" -d "Cygwin User Guide PDF" -- /usr/share/doc/cygwin-doc/cygwin-ug-net.pdf /usr/bin/mkshortcut -A -P -n "Cygwin/User Guide (HTML)" -d "Cygwin User Guide HTML" -- /usr/share/doc/cygwin-doc/html/cygwin-ug-net/index.html /usr/bin/mkshortcut -A -P -n "Cygwin/API (PDF)" -d "Cygwin API Reference PDF" -- /usr/share/doc/cygwin-doc/cygwin-api.pdf /usr/bin/mkshortcut -A -P -n "Cygwin/API (HTML)" -d "Cygwin API Reference HTML" -- /usr/share/doc/cygwin-doc/html/cygwin-api/index.html /usr/bin/mkshortcut -A -P -n "Cygwin/Home Page" -d "Cygwin Home Page Link" -a -- /usr/bin/cygstart /usr/bin/mkshortcut -A -P -n "Cygwin/FAQ" -d "Cygwin Frequently Asked Questions Link" -a -- /usr/bin/cygstart

There appears to be a bug in mkshortcut.
Could this be somehow related to my enabling native symbolic links?
(Not sure if this error began before I did that.)
I don't know where to find the source for mkshortcut, and not sure if somebody else
knows this program and can look into it. Should I report this somewhere?


The output from zp_texlive_finish.dash is very long,
so I show only the final lines in setup.log.full:

Transcript written on lualatex.log.
fmtutil [INFO]: /var/lib/texmf/web2c/luatex/lualatex.fmt installed.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile eptex.ini for eptex/eptex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile ptex.ini for ptex/ptex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile cslatex.ini for cslatex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile jadetex.ini for jadetex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile platex.ini for platex/eptex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile lambda.ini for lamed/aleph not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile csplain.ini for pdfcsplain/xetex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile csplain-utf8.ini for pdfcsplain/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile csplain.ini for pdfcsplain/luatex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile pdfjadetex.ini for pdfjadetex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile mltex.ini for mltex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile csplain-utf8.ini for csplain/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile pdfmex.ini for pdfmex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile mex.ini for mex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile xmltex.ini for xmltex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile eplain.ini for eplain/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile pdfxmltex.ini for pdfxmltex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile amstex.ini for amstex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile cslatex.ini for pdfcslatex/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [WARNING]: inifile texsis.ini for texsis/pdftex not found.
fmtutil [INFO]: Disabled formats: 21
fmtutil [INFO]: Successfully rebuilt formats: 17
fmtutil [INFO]: Failed to build: 20 (eptex/eptex ptex/ptex pdftex/cslatex pdftex/jadetex eptex/platex aleph/lamed xetex/pdfcsplain pdftex/pdfcsplain luatex /pdfcsplain pdftex/pdfjadetex pdftex/mltex pdftex/csplain pdftex/pdfmex pdftex/mex pdftex/xmltex pdftex/eplain pdftex/pdfxmltex pdftex/amstex pdftex/pdfcsl
atex pdftex/texsis)
fmtutil [INFO]: Total formats: 58
fmtutil [INFO]: exiting with status 20
2019/03/06 22:41:17 abnormal exit: exit code=20

Looking at the source of "fmtutil", it appears that this is the key line:
(It's a perl script; shown with line number)

462   return $opts{"strict"} ? $err : 0;

where $err appears to count the fonts not converted.
Looking up the first of the "missing" inifiles, eptex.ini,
I find it belongs to the cygwin package

I have no knowledge of Japanese, and most likely no reason to install said package.

The perl script also appears to have a mechanism to declare formats disabled, but the configuration file /etc/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf has the following comment:

# Modified for the Cygwin distribution so that all formats are
# initially disabled.  The postinstall scripts will enable those
# corresponding to installed packages.

I suspect that the postinstall script is broken, enabling formats that are not installed. It would take me quite long time to track down how this is implemented in the postinstall script.
Who can I report this to?

Enrique Perez-Terron

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