To my understanding this feature should be working in older versions as well.
I have Cygwin running on production servers.
If I upgrade one I need to upgrade all, so I prefer to see if anyone has any 
suggestion before trying to upgrade.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrey Repin [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 2:46 AM
To: Houder <>;
Subject: Re: can't access remote shares when using ssh with rsa key - passwd -R 
/ set(e)uid / LogonUser is not working as expected

Greetings, Houder!

> On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 18:01:18, Andrey Repin  wrote:

>> Greetings, Maayan Apelboim!
>> > Hi,
>> > I hope I'm mailing the proper mailing list..
>> > I am using password-less ssh login using RSA key to login windows servers 
>> > from linux.
>> > I've read this article about network shares problems when using RSA 
>> > key instead password and decided method 2 is most suitable for my case:
>> >
> [snip]

>> Please try changing the cygsshd service configuration to run as "SYSTEM" 
>> user.

> Why, Andrey? He is running cygwin1.dll version 2.11.0 (as far as I can tell).

Sorry, I missed that bit. I normally assume people running an up to date 
system. Or at least update when they encounter issues.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 3:45:05

Sorry for my terrible english...

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