Hello again. Further to the rather vague email below, here is a link to what I 
did to install Shairport Sync on a fresh Cygwin installation: 



> On 20 Feb 2019, at 21:50, Mike Brady <mikebr...@eircom.net> wrote:
> Hi there. I'm trying to set up Shairport Sync as a CYGWIN service, and I'm 
> trying to use cygrunsrv.
> Briefly, I can get everything to work properly except the D-Bus interface -- 
> when shairport-sync is installed as a service, it can't "own" a well-known 
> name on the "system" D-Bus.
> I built a configuration and installer for shairport sync essentially by 
> copying the avahi-daemon-config file.
> The Avahi deamon uses the system D-Bus successfully under the username 
> "SYSTEM" and without (AFAICS) changing IDs. But for the life of me, I can't 
> get Shairport Sync to work the same way.
> Incidentally, if I change the D Bus policy file for Shairport Sync to be 
> allowed to own its well-known name on D Bus when running under the logged in 
> account, everything is peachy.
> Any suggestions gratefully received. Incidentally, I'm the main developer of 
> Shairport Sync -- https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync.
> Best wishes
> Mike Brady

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