On 17.02.2019 14:11, Franz Fehringer wrote:
> Hi all (half off topic),
> I have installed (on a Windows 10 1809 system) both Cygwin and WSL (only
> the Windows component, no real Linux distribution yet).
> This scenario gives me a strange problem with antrun: With <exec
> executable="bash"> i always get the WSL bash instead of the Cygwin one,
> although Cygwin is first in PATH (both Cygwin PATH and Windows PATH),
> even so if C:/Windows/System32 (location of WSL bash) is not in the
> (Cygwin) PATH at all.

Tried looking in
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths"
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths"
? They might have bash.exe in them. Also, what happens if you create a symlink
mybash.exe, that points to cygwin bash.exe? Would mybash.exe invoke the right 

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