Focused - 02/07 Tools to empower churches for biblical cancer care ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Here's an opportunity from one of ourpartners. <> Ministry Leader'sNetwork Hope gives people strength. This is especially true when dealing with cancer. For many people, cancer is the ultimate test of theirfaith. Every church needs to be prepared to provide hope through an effective, biblically-based cancer care ministry that offers practical support and spiritual encouragement. That is why Our Journey of Hope® wascreated. Cancer care ministry can be overwhelming if you don't know where tostart. Our Journey of Hope comes alongside pastors and churches to equip them with proven tools and training. We developed the Cancer Care Ministry Leader's Network to empower churches around the country to better meet this greatneed. When you sign up you will receive access to exclusive online resources, information about ministry training opportunities and our monthly email newsletter whichcontains: Practical tips, tools and training from seasoned cancer care ministers Ministry resources, insights, updates Inspirational devotions for cancer care ministry Testimonies from ministers and cancer patients Upcoming opportunities to receive hands on leadership training Joining the Leader's Network <> is absolutely F?REE! And it is open to all pastors, ministers and churchleaders. Join t?housands of pastors and church leaders from around the nation who have recognized the need for cancer care ministry and have joined together to learn, grow and provide better support to those inneed. <> <> Our Journey of Hope® was created by Cancer Treatment Centers of America® to help churches support and empower those impacted by cancer. 5900 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Boca Raton, FL 33487 Unsubscribe < > The Parable Group 102 Cross Street, Suite 210 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 United States -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: