Greetings, L A Walsh!

> On 2/4/2019 4:18 PM, Wayne Davison wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 2:33 PM L A Walsh wrote:
>>> Things like
>>> Term::Size::chars no longer works as it says chars isn't exported.
>>> but it is 'EXPORT_OK', and it used to work.
>> Remember that EXPORT_OK means that you can ask for it to be exported,
>> but it's not by default.  I just tried out CPAN 2.22 with perl 5.26.3
>> and ran a CPAN "install Term::Size" and the result worked fine:
>> perl -we 'use Term::Size "chars"; print join("\n",  chars), "\n";'
>> perl -we 'use Term::Size; print join("\n",  Term::Size::chars), "\n";'
>> I haven't seen any issues in the various CPAN modules that I added to my 
>> setup.
> worked for me up till the latest perl.  I was surprised.


> The man page documents usage as:

>        "Term::Size::chars" returns the size in units of characters, whereas
>        "Term::Size::pixels" uses units of pixels.

>        In a scalar context, both functions return the first element of the
>        list, that is, the terminal width.

>        The functions may be imported.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 3:24:48

Sorry for my terrible english...

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