gcc-7.4.0-1 has been uploaded for Cygwin. This is the same version as the test package uploaded previously.
Java support has been removed from upstream GCC, GCJ is no longer available. Includes patch for https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47030 *** CYGWIN-ANNOUNCE UNSUBSCRIBE INFO *** If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list, look at the "List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this message. Send email to the address specified there. It will be in the format: cygwin-announce-unsubscribe-you=yourdomain.com <at> cygwin.com If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here: http://sourceware.org/lists.html#unsubscribe-simple Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available starting at this URL.
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