Hi All,

Im trying to install TeXmacs on my win98+cygwin laptop.
First I installed the binaries for guile from the cygwin setup
(I have XFree and Tex and all associated libs already)
downloaded TeXmacs sources, ran ./configure and then
gave a "make".
I got  the blue screen of death (BSD).
After iterating through several BSDs, I hunted on the web
and found a site that said that static linkages were a problem with
the latest guile and that I must install guile 1.4.1. So I uninstalled
downloaded the sources for guile 1.4.1, untarred them and
./configure --disable-shared

It runs through several checks, but never completes - insted it
gives me at some point it simply gives me the blue screen of death.
This time around Im not even getting past configure.

Im not sure what to do now.
Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.

Much thanks

P.S: Ive hunted on the web and faqs for answers and couldnt find

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