Am 17.08.2018 um 15:36 schrieb surendar jeyadev via cygwin:
I am having a similar issue to that pictorially shown here:

This is new to me as I have been using Cygwin on a Windows 7

machine for several years without encountering this problem.

(Of course, that Cygwin build was from 5 or 6 years back.)
I just moved to a Windows 10 machine and installed Cygwin from scratch a couple 
of days back and ran into the issue.

Using the UP arrow to go up the history list, I have no problem till I hit a 
long command (in the case shown below the problematic command was about 50 
characters long). When going one step further up the history list, the leading 
characters of the long command stay on the command line. I cannot 
backspace/delete them.

I am using mintty from the standard distribution.

Specific example. I issue a 'history' command to show the

history and then use the UP arrow key to scroll upwards. After 6 Ups, I reach 
command no. 33 as shown below.

sita 41 $  history
     2  vi .bash_profile
     3  quit
     4  eixt
     5  exit
     6  histoyr
     7  history
     8  vi .bash_profile
     9  vi .bash_profile
    10  exit
    11  history
    12  cd /usr/share
    13  ls
    14  cd
    15  history
    16  exit
    17  history
    18  history
    19  exit
    20  sdafasfas
    21  history
    22  cp /usr/share/vim/vim*/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc
    23  history
    24  cp /usr/share/vim/vim*/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc
    25  history
    26  ls
    27  cd
    28  vi .bash_profile
    29  exit
    30  history
    31  exit
    32  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
    33  history
    34  history
    35  ls
    36  cd
    37  pwd
    38  ls
    39  history
    40  exit
    41  history
sita 42 $  history

Now I move up one more step an get

30  history
    31  exit
    32  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
    33  history
    34  history
    35  ls
    36  cd
    37  pwd
    38  ls
    39  history
    40  exit
    41  history
sita 42 $  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out

which is just what is expected. One more and we get

    31  exit
    32  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
    33  history
    34  history
    35  ls
    36  cd
    37  pwd
    38  ls
    39  history
    40  exit
    41  history
sita 42 $  cygcheckexit

Command 31 (exit) now has the extra characters pre-pending the entry on the 
history list.

Hitting a return here executes the 'exit', though.
This seems to work for other commands. It appears as though the characters have 
no effect. But, they do cause a bit of confusion!

Also I noticed that if I input a really long string for a command, the 
characters that should be in a new line over write the leading characters of 
the command -- that is, there is no line feed when the text wraps around.

Would greatly appreciate any help in fixing this.

The 'cygcheck' output is attached.

If you need any further information about the mintty set up, please let me know.

Please test the following:
* Set you prompt to some basic string, e.g. PS1=%. Does that change anything? * Mintty 2.7.5 changed the default wraparound behaviour to become compatible with the xterm default. With setting -o OldWrapModes=true, does that change anything?
* Can you cross-test this in xterm?
* Does it happen in a freshly-started mintty? If it only happens later, which programs did you run in the meantime?
* Make a screen log demonstrating a minimal test case, please.

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