
Thanks for writing.

I expect I'll want to rent a few small sets of names just for testing
during the third week of this month - July 16 through 20.

I ask that each such testing set provide one hundred randomly-selected
names.  I don't know quite yet how many sets of a hundred I'll rent.

My initial tests will determine the best combination of cover letter
and outside-of-the-envelope printing that I'll later use your _entire_
database for.

When I do rent your full database, I expect I'll do it in several
small sections.  These sections can be sequential, they don't need to
be random.  For example I'll mail to the first ten thousand names in
your list, then the second ten thousand and so on.

Warmest Regards,

Mike Crawford

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 7:08 AM, Elena Murphy
<elena.mur...@microsysdata.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Hope you having a great day!
> I just wanted to be aware if you looking to acquire database for your 
> marketing efforts? We provide database for all industry and technology.
> Kindly review and let me be aware of your interest so that I can get back to 
> you with the exact counts, sample and more info regarding the same.
> Do let me be aware if you have any questions for me.
> Regards,
> Elena Murphy
> Database Executive
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Mike Crawford
Portland Custom Software Development

One Must Not Trifle With Wizards For It Makes Us Soggy And Hard To Light

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