Hi, I've faced a problem when deal with a text file now, the old version work very well, but the new version, it wont.
1, There is a file named test.txt which in dos format(CRLF), and the content is as follows, 456467987564654654 456467987564654654 456467987564654654 456467987564654655 456467987564654656 456467987564654657 456467987564654658 456467987564654659 456467987564654660 456467987564654661 456467987564654662 456467987564654663 456467987564654664 456467987564654665 I've written a awk script named stat.awk to count each line of test.txt. #!/bin/awk -f BEGIN { list[""] = "" delete list } { list[$0]++ } END { for(l in list) { print l ":" list[l] } } In cygwin 2.874, the output is correct. $ ./stat.awk test.txt 456467987564654659:1 456467987564654660:1 456467987564654661:1 456467987564654662:1 456467987564654663:1 456467987564654654:3 456467987564654664:1 456467987564654655:1 456467987564654665:1 456467987564654656:1 456467987564654657:1 456467987564654658:1 But, in version 2.10.0, the output is as follows, it's not what I want. $ ./stat.awk test.txt :16467987564654663 :16467987564654658 :16467987564654664 :16467987564654659 :36467987564654654 456467987564654665:1 :16467987564654660 :16467987564654655 :16467987564654661 :16467987564654656 :16467987564654662 :16467987564654657 Finally, I run dos2unix to convert this file into unix format, and then run stat.awk, and this time the output is correct. $ ./stat.awk test.txt 456467987564654659:1 456467987564654660:1 456467987564654661:1 456467987564654662:1 456467987564654663:1 456467987564654654:3 456467987564654664:1 456467987564654655:1 456467987564654665:1 456467987564654656:1 456467987564654657:1 456467987564654658:1 I was wonder, what have changed between version 2.10.0 and 2.874, or is it possible to modify a configure to fix this in 2.10.0? By the way, my OS is Window 7 64bit, and I installed a 64bit Cygwin with version 2.10.0 . Thank you very much! -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple