New versions of octave-bim octave-bsltl octave-cgi octave-dataframe octave-data-smoothing octave-divand octave-doctest octave-financial octave-fpl octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit octave-ga octave-generate_html octave-integration octave-mvn octave-ncarray octave-optics octave-queueing octave-specfun octave-splines octave-statistics octave-vrml
octave-communications octave-control octave-database octave-econometrics octave-fits octave-fl-core octave-general octave-geometry octave-gsl octave-image octave-instrument-control octave-interval octave-io octave-level-set octave-linear-algebra octave-lssa octave-ltfat octave-mapping octave-mechanics octave-miscellaneous octave-mpi octave-msh octave-nan octave-netcdf octave-nurbs octave-octclip octave-octproj octave-odepkg octave-optim octave-optiminterp octave-parallel octave-quaternion octave-signal octave-sockets octave-stk octave-strings octave-struct octave-tisean octave-tsa are available in the Cygwin distribution: ADVISE To load any package in octave, before usage, run command "pkg load <package_name>" see "help pkg" for details. CHANGES Package rebuilt and eventually updated for octave 4.4.x DESCRIPTION The octave-forge project contains contributed functions for GNU Octave which are not in the main distribution. HOMEPAGE Full documentation and FAQ are available at: Regards Marco Atzeri If you have questions or comments, please send them to the cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com . -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: