On Tue, 29 May 2018 05:32 PM, Alberto Escrig Vidal
<alberto.esc...@itc.uji.es> wrote:
> I have noticed a couple of issues with g++-7.
> 1)
> #include <string>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <sstream>
> int main()
> {
> std::string Str;
> std::stringstream ss("hello");
> std::getline(ss,Str);
> std::cout << Str;
> return 0;
> }
> Compiling the above program with:
> g++ -g -std=c++17 foo.cpp
> Compiles just fine, but aborts when running it.
> Running it with gdb:
> Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
> 0x6326126a in cygstdc++-6!_ZNSs7reserveEj () from /usr/bin/cygstdc++-6.dllcomp
> The program works fine if compiled with -std=c++14.

This also happens with clang++ from clang-5.0.1-2:

0x00000003f0e9ca0b in cygstdc++-6!_ZNSs7reserveEm () from

> 2)
> This program fails to compile (it also failed with g++-6).
> #include <shared_mutex>
> int main() {}

This fails with g++ -std=c++14 or -std=c++17; it compiles with
-std=c++11, gcc-g++-7.3.0-2.

It DOES NOT fail with clang++ at any of those language levels. I'm on
Windows 10, 64-bit
Cygwin, latest everything i.e. whatever I have installed is fully
updated via setup.

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