Dear Andy,

here you can find a batch file, which sets up a Cygwin from scratch with a 
defined set of packages:

The setup of Cygwin takes about 2 minutes and is without any user interaction. 
I would say, this is a more reasonable approach. If you want a fixed 
environment, you should use your own Cygwin repo.

It later calls a shell script which builds ocaml, menhir, libraries like 
lablgtk and eventually Coq, but I guess this wouldn't be useful for you because 
this is a MinGW Ocaml and I guess (just a guess) you are using a Cygwin OCaml. 
But there is no reason why one couldn't setup opam on Cygwin in a similar way.

I think there are also some Cygwin / opam scripts in the CI of Coq. If this 
would be useful for you, I can point you to the respective scripts.

Best regards,

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