Karl, you might want to try reverting to the previous version of
libharfbuzz0 and libfreetype6. I'm running into problems with those
libraries on the 32-bit version of cygwin, causing occasional crashes of
xterm, and frequent crashes of xwin-xdg-menu under Windows 10. I'm just
wondering if your issue is related to those same problems in these
libraries, only it's manifesting differently under the 64-bit version of
cygwin. It may be a long-shot, but if our experiences corroborate each
other it might help nail down these font-related issues.
In any case, check to see if there's an xterm.exe.stackdump file in the
directory from which you ran xterm. If there is, try running something
like "strace xterm.exe > xterm.log" and see what xterm is doing before
it crashes.
Hope this helps.
On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 09:48:08, Karl Peterson wrote:
The only output is:
karpeterson@DFWLW1041HJTC2 /var/log/xwin
$ xterm
xterm: cannot load font
XWin.0.log contains:
[ 1471.843] IsOverrideRedirect: Failed to get window attributes
This message only gets printed when I use my favorite xterm options: "-fg
white -bg black -sl 5000" No other output is printed, and xterm exits with
RC=0. Other locally run X programs work fine, such as xeyes and emacs.
What can I do to debug this?
Gilles R. Detillieux E-mail: <grde...@scrc.umanitoba.ca>
Spinal Cord Research Centre WWW: http://www.scrc.umanitoba.ca/
Dept. of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Univ. of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB R3E 0J9 (Canada)
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