Invitation to Join Editorial Board of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES The American Journal of Integrative Agricultural Sciences is an international, peer-review journal that aims to publish the latest research in the field of agricultural sciences.The journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Symposia or Topical Collections, Spotlights in the field of agricultural sciences. Please Click Here to see Journal's Flyer . The quality of a journal is in a way reflective of the quality of its Editor(s) and Editorial Board and its members. The American Journal of Integrative Agricultural Sciences is seeking energetic, qualified and high profile researchers to join its editorial board team. The Essential Criteria to Become Editor are as following: Experience in agricultural sciences with an academic degree. At least 5 publication records articles and /or books in related to the agricultural sciences. Familiarize with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) âCode of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editorsâ. Be proficient in English language. The Roles of Editors: To review submitted manuscripts: Editors will be asked to review manuscripts up to four times a year, and may be requested to author a commentary for publication related to the manuscript which they reviewed. His or her comments should be as complete and detailed as possible and contain clear opinions about strengths, weaknesses, relevance and importance to the field. To advise policy and scope. To attract new and established authors and article submissions. To submit some of his/her own work. Each Editor shall serve for a three (3)-years term and may be reappointed. If you are interested in becoming our Editorial Board member, please SUBMIT your information. Publisher Address : The American Publishing House, 27 George Street, Bloomfield, NJ-07003 Website : To unsubscribe from the TAPH E-mail Alert Service, please click on the following link or copy and paste it into your browser: -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: