On Apr 13 12:29, Brian Inglis wrote:
> On 2018-04-13 08:12, L A Walsh wrote:
> > Achim Gratz wrote:
> >> The problem here is that on Linux you don't need to do anything extra to 
> >> use any of the advertised logical processors from a single application, 
> >> while on Windows you need to first create a thread and set it's affinity to
> >> a different group than where your process was started in, then assign each
> >> new thread an affinity to one of the available groups.  If you don't do
> >> that, all threads will be restricted to the original group.
> > Not exactly true.  They are not *restricted* -- it's a *feature* of the
> > Windows scheduler, in that future procs/threads inherit the cpu of the
> > parent.  Linux's scheduler is more advanced as well as being replaceable.  
> > MS
> > doesn't want you to do that
> >> there might need to be some option to restrict Cygwin to a single processor
> >> group for some applications to work (correctly).
> > There is.  Start them all on a single cpu & set the cpu mask.  Pretty much 
> > the same way you restrict procs on linux -- you can run them with a specific
> > cpu mask, and most programs will keep running w/that mask.
> > Unfortunately, AFAIK, I don't think POSIX specifies a way to set affinities,
> > so I'm not sure how cygwin would do it.
> Glibc adds {pthread,sched}_...affinity... functions.
> Linux uses namespaces, control groups (cgroups), cpusets, sysfs/kernfs:

We would only be able to support it partially.  Windows doesn't
allow to set thread affinity across CPU groups.  There's no simple
function to set process CPU group affinity, only a function to set
process affinity within a single group.  And it has a restriction
in that all current threads have to run in the same CPU group.
The API is pretty tricky.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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