Hi Elliot,

Thanks for the reply.

What was your setup that allowed you to reach 500Mbit? How were you copying the files? Were you using SFTP, SCP or rsync?

Was it a Cygwin to Cygwin transfer, or was there another OS involved?

Sorry for all the questions, I am just trying to rule out all possible variables.


Jordan Geoghegan

On 03/23/18 18:17, Eliot Moss wrote:
Yes - I have gotten on the order of 500 Mbps, sometimes ranging
a bit higher, on a (shared) 1 Gbps Ethernet LAN.  Wireless is
not so good (in terms of reaching the max, sustained) - there
is some evidence that in that case the Windows driver on my
Surface Book is at least partly to blame.  Anyway, I can't say
whether Cygwin is what prevent me from getting 1 Gbps sustained
or not, since I didn't try it.

Regards - Eliot Moss

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