Greetings, KARL BOTTS!

> Can anyone enlighten me about the relationship of "Git for Windows" to
> Cygwin?

They are not related.

> I have no intention to use GFW myself: I use Cygwin git.  But now other people
> around here are discovering GitHub, MSysGit and or GitForWindows.  Pretty
> soon, we are going to wind up with multiple git flavors installed on the same
> host, which worries me.

Erm, but how?

> But now I hear of this GitForWindows thing.  Which seems to have replaced
> MSysGit, with a GUI thrown in.  But is it _still_ a stale fork of Cygwin, or a
> fork at all?  Is it descended from MSysGit?  I have been googling all over,
> but not finding good answers.

You'd have better chance for the answers at their support channels.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 02:40:11

Sorry for my terrible english...

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