Version 2.0.14-22 of guile libguile2.0-devel libguile2.0_22
have been uploaded for cygwin. CYGWIN CHANGES Rebuilt to use libgc2-7.6.2-2 instead of libgc1 It pass most of the tests. Test and feedback appreciated. DESCRIPTION Guile is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, supporting the Revised5 and most of the Revised6 language reports, as well as many SRFIs. Guile is designed to help programmers create flexible applications that can be extended by users or other programmers with plug-ins, modules, or scripts. HOMEPAGE Regards Marco Atzeri If you have questions or comments, please send them to the cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com . -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: