On Mon, 8 Jan 2018 18:53:13, Trevor Barton wrote:
Thanks Marco.  However that's marked as obsolete in the installer and replaced by libpopt-devel.  Also the version for that is 1.16.1 I think, whereas he current version is 1.16.2.  The 1.16.2 version is empty and just shows an obsolete message on cygwin.com ...

I can repro these problems:

1. popt: obsolete
2. popt-devel: obsolete
3. libpopt0: only has the DLL
4. libpopt-devel: libpopt.dll.a only
4. libpopt-common: /usr/share/doc and /usr/share/locale only
5. mingw64-x86_64-popt: has libpopt.a, but only for native builds
6. mingw64-i686-popt: has libpopt.a, but only for native builds

You might post an issue here:


but good luck - Yaakov is not keen on fixing these type issues:


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