On 29/11/2017 21:34, Ivan Gagis wrote:
What is that timestamp? Is it when the package was uploaded?
Sorry, by timestamp, I just mean the mtime of the archive file.
Then it should not be possible, because lower version definitely was
uploaded earlier than higher version package.
Where are those timestamps kept? Hint files does not contain any
timestamp and setup.ini only has its global timestamp, but not
per-package timestamps.
Do you have any suggestion of how to fix this?
Assuming you've found a bug, I need some more details to enable me to
reproduce it, before I can fix it...
2017-11-29 18:52 GMT+02:00 Jon Turney:
On 29/11/2017 15:06, Ivan Gagis wrote:
I have an overlay cygwin repo where I publish my packages.
Recently I started getting errors from mksetupini script:
mksetupini: package 'mypackage' version '0.4.38-1' is most recent
non-test version, but version '0.4.43-1' is curr:
mksetupini: package set has errors, not writing setup.ini
there was no such errors before. And I don't have "test:" in any hint
files of my packages, so no I dea why it thinks that some versions are
non-test and curr is test?
It's not saying any versions are test.
Can you explain what this actually means?
"most recent" means "latest timestamp"
So this is telling you that 0.4.38-1 is the non-test version which has the
most recent timestamp, but 0.4.43-1 is curr: (because it's the highest
non-test version)
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