On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 23:38:13 +0100 Thomas Wolff wrote:
Thanks for flattering me :) Sounds good after all the people asking for
ever more features, silly ones as well as good ones.
Actually, after the WSL and Virtual Tabs endeavours, release frequency
should become lower now.
Speaking of silly feature requests ...
The main reason I'm not a fan of mintty (and as a result haven't switched to cygwin64 on my primary Windows machine -  because it doesn't include the non-Xwindows version of rxvt) is that it behaves different than xterm/rxvt for copying/pasting text.  I spend most of my time in front of linux systems using xterm, rxvt and rxvt-unicode, so I have that way of copying/pasting text built into the "microcode" in my hand.  I've found it quite difficult to adjust to mintty.

Would it be possible to add an option to mintty to support xterm/rxvt style copying/pasting (what rxvt calls text selection and inserting) as described in the rxvt man page:

           The behaviour of text selection and insertion mechanism is
   similar to xterm(1).

                  Left click at the beginning of the region, drag to
   the end of the region
                  and release; Right click to extend the marked region;
   Left  double-click
                  to select a word; Left triple-click to select the
   entire line.

                  Pressing  and  releasing the Middle mouse button (or
   Shift-Insert) in an
                  rxvt window causes the current text selection to be
   inserted  as  if  it
                  had been typed on the keyboard.


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