On Sat, 04 Jan 2003, Jeremy Hetzler wrote:

> At 05:03 AM 1/2/2003 -0600, Tommy Butler wrote:
> >Further, perldoc.exe isn't rendering pages correctly since 5.8 either.  For
> >example, "$ perldoc UNIVERSAL" produces the following when run from cygwin 
> >bash

> >    ESC[1mNAMEESC[0m

> There was a recent change to less that produced this behavior. Try adding 
> the -R switch to $LESS.

That's great. I assumed it was due to the child process
problem that I think was preventing me using perldoc before.

I put         export PAGER='/bin/less -R';
in my /etc/profile,
and now I don't have to think about installing an HTML version
anymore ;-)

Greg Matheson                Practitioners just do it.
Chinmin College              Reflective Practitioners just think they
                             did it.
Taiwan Penpals Archive <URL: http://penpals.chinmin.edu.tw/>

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