On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 08:45:11, Marco Atzeri wrote:
For a regex pattern you should include both.
I do not bore which one is built and distributed on my packages.

E.G. on octave


This is certainly not right. I can understand that we will have some
discrepancies across packages, but having a different vendor in the same package
is unacceptable. It suggests that x86_64-unknown-cygwin and i686-pc-cygwin
differ in more ways that one, which they dont. you let it slide, then people
start asking:

- where is x86_64-pc-cygwin?
- where is i686-unknown-cygwin?

which are both valid questions when a package maintainer does dumb stuff like
this. just realized that for octave package, that is you:


point still stands

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