I installed Win 10 from official Mictosoft USB image (Tool) with image from
around 2017-03-18 after my prevoius SSD had died.

I previously wrote about emacs-w32 problems in this list.

This time two new:

* "run emacs-w32" is broken. Some GUI windows splashed on screen and quickly

* during work if emacs-w32 I see in consle (it's before and after after 

  1 [main] emacs-w32 936 child_info_fork::abort: 
C:\opt\cygwin\bin\cygXrender-1.dll: Loaded to different address: 
parent(0x1C50000) != child(0x6D520000)

  1 [main] emacs-w32 1624 child_info_fork::abort: 
C:\opt\cygwin\bin\cygXrender-1.dll: Loaded to different address: 
parent(0x6D520000) != child(0x1E0000)


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