Am 24.07.2017 um 04:09 schrieb Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C]:
rather it's a question about portability of code that
uses %s for both functions and expects it to work unchanged in the
Cygwin environment.
And the answer to that question is: such code _is_not_portable_, and
therefore that expectation is wrong.
If that code claims to be portable, then its use of %s in either of
those functions constitutes a _bug_.
In the old days there was a well-known fallacy known by the slogan "all
the world's a VAX." Nowadays it appears to have been replaced by an
equally wide-spread, and equally incorrect belief that all the world is
Linux. Well, it's not. Not even the whole Un*x world is Linux.
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