
I updated my Cywin installation on the 21st or 22nd of July 2017. I run 32-bit Cygwin/X on 64-bit Win 7 Pro. If I launch the Cygwin Xwin Server I get the icon at the very top middle of the screen and can then go into the icons menu and right click on the Cygwin icon and get a list of categories of applications to run and apparently launch because if I try to launch some and wait long enough and right click on the aforementioned icon and select quit it says there are N apps running and do I want to close them. The problem is that anything I launch through the icons menu doesn't display anywhere and in particular doesn't appear in the task bar. I have read the FAQ and UG but can't find what I'm looking for. It definitely seems to me that the behaviour has changed since before I updated.
Can somebody please tell me what I am doing wrong?  I would be very 
grateful for any help.  Thanks in advance.

I *AM* a unique and special snowflake

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