
i have the same error in another situation. And Ben Eng wrote me this E-Mail, that he 
has the same problem in W2K.


> ------- Original Message ------- 
> Von : Ben Eng
> Datum : Thu, 2 Jan 2003 16:32:18 -0500
>> i have an every time updated Cygwin installation. Last day's i
>> updated my installtion and get the Cygwin DLL 1.3.18-1.
>> I make every date an CVS update to an repository and have no
>> errors. But with the new DLL i get this error:
>> E:\cygwin\bin\ssh.exe: *** can't create title mutex, Win32 error 6
>> cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
>I am seeing this exactly problem on my Windows 2000 installation.
>However, on Windows XP there is no problem at all.
>I'm not on the cygwin mailing list, but if you could follow-up and let
>them know that the problem appears to be Win2K-specific, I'd
>appreciate it. Thanks.

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