On 03/07/2017 15:31, JonY wrote:
On 07/03/2017 10:22 AM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 02/07/2017 11:53, JonY wrote:
On 07/02/2017 06:22 AM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
while extracting debuginfo on 32 bit gdal dll

$ ls -s cyggdal-20.dll
103M cyggdal-20.dll

I don't really have anything else to suggest, how big is the dll anyway
(how many exports, how many bytes is size)?

103 MBbytes.

As the issue is only on 32bit and not on 64bit,
it could be a counter limitation

I am trying to test again with  gcc 6.3.0-2


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