I was making a backup of my website files to Windows 7 with Cygwin
(from a LAMP server, regular PHP script) and in the process something
has created a file like this:


In the folder where it appeared, there is a nother original file named
62030.jpg, which is an image file. So something has added that dot at
the beginning and the ".3bqiFX" at the end. The file is 0 bytes and it
belongs to the following Group or user:


When I try to paste it to disk C (from disk D), make a copy of it, I
get the following results:

File Access Denied - You'll need to provide administrator permission
to copy this file.
I am now on Windows 10 Pro (I upgraded today) and when I click
Continue with that shield icon (this looks like I am pressing it as an
administrator of the system or something like that, I get that:

You need permission form
S-1-5-21-3658720670-2097995755-1032747883-1001 to make changes to this

I've been using Windows for like 15 years and I've never seen anything
like that. Is there any way to figure out what this is and where it
may be coming from? I will add that this is an important situation as
this is a backup and I can lose a year and a half of all day / all
week work. For this reason I am asking, and I would like to know what
this is that I am dealing with (normally I would just delete it in
some way, I guess).


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