Greetings, Nellis, Kenneth!

> From: Andrey Repin
>> Doesn't matter what syntax I use, I'm unable to reproduce your effects.
>> ...
>> Get rid of intercepting proxies and your problem will go away as well.
>> It's not a matter of syntax.
> I'm unaware of any proxies involved. I haven't set any up. Don't even 
> know how. Any proxies that may be involved are outside of my control.

I didn't say they are under your control, I said get rid of them. I.e. by
using HTTPS as you should.

> I wonder if you have a ~/.wget-hsts file that affects your results as it 
> did mine.

I closely followed your experimentation and never been able to replicate
your issue.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 14:03:17

Sorry for my terrible english...

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