On 6/15/2017 2:43 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Ken Brown writes:
3. I evaluated (set-background-color "white").  This caused the
background to turn gray.  The mode line and menu bar didn't visibly

That's the main problem and I can't figure out why it associates white with
anything that doesn't have all the bits set in the RGB colorspec.

OK, let's focus on this problem.

Your original report, written on February 22, said that the problem started after the latest Cygwin update. That means you would have installed emacs-25.1, if Emacs was updated at all. But I've just checked that the problem already exists in emacs-24.5. So maybe the problem was triggered by an update of some package other than Emacs, Mintty being the most obvious guess. Can you check your /var/log/setup.log to see what was updated around February 22?


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