Dear Eric,

> Building mingw apps may be one use of cygwin, but it is not the "intended use
> case". 

I said "an" intended use case, not "the". I also use cygwin for a lot of other 

> If you are writing a Linux app that processes data produced on a windows
> machine, then YOU must strip CR from that data (Linux sed will NOT strip it).
> So now cygwin sed does the same thing.

Maybe my situation gets clear when I describe what my use case is: I maintain 
the scripts which build the Windows installers for Coq - a proof assistant with 
a GTK based UI. This starts building a MinGW OCaml compiler from sources. I 
could also build a host=cygwin target=MinGW OCaml compiler, to get around the 
issue that messages it produces contain CRs, but OCaml doesn't support 
host!=target very well, and many of the tools it produces I also have to run 
under cygwin. So I would need 3 OCaml compilers, one build=cygwin, host=cygwin, 
target=cygwin to build the tools I run under cygwin during the build, then one 
build=cygwin, host=cygwin, target=MinGW to build the tools I finally need for 
plain Windows. But since Coq also needs OCaml at run time I also would have to 
build a build=cygwin, host=MinGW, target=MinGW variant. Many of the tools and 
libs I need have similar issues.
I admit I am lazy and build only one OCaml compiler, the build=cygwin, 
host=MinGW, target=MinGW variant, because I will need this eventually anyway. 
The only issue this results in is that its text messages (like version or lib 
path info) contain carriage returns.

All the OCaml and Coq build scripts (and the build scripts for the libraries 
and tools I need) themselves are not maintained by me. I just maintain the 
wrapper which sets up a fresh cygwin, gets all the sources, builds the whole 
stuff and finally produces a Windows installer for others to use. I call many 
scripts and tools which are originally designed to run on Linux and are 
maintained by Linux centric people and I do not want to bother them with such 

Cross building on Linux would be much more complicated, because on Linux I 
would no matter what need 3 OCaml variants but also 2 Coq variants, because I 
need to compile the Coq libraries, so I need to run Coq on the build host as 
well. With cygwin I can call the MinGW variants. 

All this did work remarkably well on cygwin, because cygwin had support to call 
MinGW programs and to process their text oriented output.

I don't see another way than having sed strip away the CRs. It doesn't make 
sense to build programs intended to be run under plain Windows such that they 
do not produce CRs. It doesn't make sense to hack around in build scripts and 
source code of Linux centric tools just to get this Windows build done. The 
true way would be to support host!=target in OCaml and to make 2..3 host/target 
build variants of everything. But it would take ages, waste a lot of energy 
(think of the CI test severs), slow down development, ... and all this just to 
get rid of maybe 200 carriage return characters in strings communicated in a 
build process.

For me, cygwin is a pragmatic tool to get the job done. And it does, perfectly 
and better than I expected when I started this, except that current cygwin's 
text tools can't process text produced by MinGW tools out of the box any more.

Best regards,

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