On 5/29/2017 14:53, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, David Dyer-Bennet!
>> All my files are on drive P: in Windows, which is an SMB share
>> equivalent to \\fsfs\ddb\Documents.  Everything works fine in windows
>> apps, and I see what I expect in Explorer, including when I go down to
>> security properties and look in detail.
>> However, Cygwin has trouble with this lately (I can't trace exactly when
>> it started happening; not weeks, maybe a year, but I've been running
>> essentially this way since 2006 and most of the time things were fine).
>> Cygwin appears to be accessing the share as some kind of unknown user,
>> rather than as the proper user configured in Windows for that share
>> (which is FSFS\ddb).
>> In Cygwin "id" shows
>> $ id
>> uid=197608(David Dyer-Bennet) gid=197121(None)
>> groups=197121(None),
>> 114(Local account and member of Administrators group),
>> 544(Administrators),
> You're running Cygwin with elevated privileges.

I guess so; I had one window each way, doesn't make a difference which
window I was in for this so it's not part of the problem or solution.

>> 545(Users),4(INTERACTIVE),66049(CONSOLE
>> LOGON),11(Authenticated Users),15(This Organization),113(Local
>> account),66048(LOCAL),262154(NTLM Authentication),405504(High Mandatory
>> Level)
>> but if I create a file it gets created owned by "Unknown+User":
>> $ touch foobar
>> David Dyer-Bennet@DDB4 /cygdrive/p
>> $ ls -l foobar
>> ----r--r-- 1 Unknown+User Unix_Group+1001 0 May 28 17:27 foobar
>> David Dyer-Bennet@DDB4 /cygdrive/p
>> $ getfacl foobar
>> # file: foobar
>> # owner: Unknown+User
>> # group: Unix_Group+1001
> Your share is located on Samba server.
>> user::---
>> group::r--
>> other:r--

Specifically, FreeNAS.  (No domain controller, though.)

>> And then of course I can't access it:
>> $ echo things >> foobar
>> -bash: foobar: Permission denied
> See Cygwin manual about setting up your network identity.
> Read around nsswitch.conf and implications of its different settings.

Thanks, I'll follow that up.

>> I haven't that I've noticed done anything to change what user I run as;
>> $USER is "David Dyer-Bennet" (the Windows username I'm in under), and
>> /etc/passwd has default output from mkpasswd,
> Ditch /etc/passwd unless you absolutely require it.

Huh; thought it was needed.  I don't think I'm *using* it in any way.
Is it important to delete the actual file?

>> including the user "David
>> Dyer-Bennet" with the UID 197608 (same is ID shows at the command line).
>> At least I can count on people here not answering "just ditch
>> Cygwin"...right?
> And please leave ramblings outside the list. This was absolutely uncalled for.

Um...a little pleasant remark about this being the home turf of Cygwin
is out of place?  If so, sorry!
David Dyer-Bennet <d...@dd-b.net>

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