Greetings, Sky Diver!

Please don't top-post, and don't quote raw email addresses.

> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 11:24 PM, Richard H Lee wrote:
>> On 17/05/2017 20:17, Sky Diver wrote:
>>> Running "composer install" with the following composer.json ends up in
>>> a segmentation fault.
>>> ---------- START -----------
>>> {
>>>      "require": {
>>>          "propel/propel": "~2.0@dev"
>>>      },
>>>      "config": {
>>>          "optimize-autoloader": true
>>>      }
>>> }
>>> ---------- END -------------
>>> (*) Note: when "optimize-autoloader" is set to false the error doesn't
>>> occur.
>> I think this may be to do with the 4096 error bug.
>> Composer will pull in the files and run them. One of them is:
>> vendor/propel/propel/src/Propel/Runtime/DataFetcher/PDODataFetcher.php
>> From you project directory, try running:
>> php vendor/propel/propel/src/Propel/Runtime/DataFetcher/PDODataFetcher.php
>> That probably will give you a segfault. I'm not sure if changing the
>> filesize will help, because composer probably will fetch a fresh copy of
>> the file.
>> I did provide a small patch a few weeks ago. That might help. You'd need
>> to recompile and install php though cygports to use it.

> Thanks Richard, you've hit the nail right on the head.
> Running PHP on that specific file does produce the segfault.

> I'm currently running composer via "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows". I may
> compile PHP from cygports later but currently I need to make up for
> lost time at work over this.
> Any idea when your fix will get released as an official cygwin PHP package?

> Thanks again.

Try turning pcre.jit off, it was known to be a problem in the past.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, May 18, 2017 15:31:02

Sorry for my terrible english...

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