Hi all,

I was really excited to hear this!
I tried to export CYGWIN="winsymlinks:nativestrict" and create symlink 
without elevation and failed on cygwin 2.8.0 (checked that "cmd /C 
mklink" works as expected in Windows 10 Creators Update Developer Mode).
Any ideas if there are any extra checks that lead to "Operation not 
Windows seemingly even allows symlinks to nonexistent files (I somehow 
think there was a problem with that in the past). For me personally this 
would a strong reason to switch to real symlinks.

Best regards,


Am 13.04.2017 um 0:29 schrieb Jeffrey Altman:
When Developer mode is enabled the elevation requirement for symlink
creation is disabled:


This was necessary for symlink creation within WSL to work.
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